Ben Halstead, PhD

Machine Learning Researcher and Engineer

About Me

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As a machine learning researcher my passion is developing innovative solutions to difficult problems which deliver world-changing value. With experience in both industry and academia, I have the skills to develop and implement cutting edge, production ready solutions by combining deep R&D and software engineering expertise. For my PhD research I developed fundamental algorithms for real-time reactive systems capable of handling changes in the distribution of streaming data. In my professional career I have developed and deployed state-of-the-art approaches to a range of applied problems, including streaming sensor data, satellite powered predictive systems and NLP analysis.

PhD Research

A growing amount of data now comes from streaming data sources, where new data is collected and added in real time, rather than traditional data sets. For example, collecting air quality data in real-time from a network of sensors, or nearly all online businesses which collect information. Traditional machine learning methods are designed around static datasets, making the assumtion that data will stay similar over time. If data changes, for example, shifting weather patterns or consumer behaviour, these static methods can become disastrously out of date.

My PhD research focused on allowing machine learning methods to detect changes, identify the new emerging patterns, and adapt themselves to retain performance. In particular my research enabled systems to identify recurring patterns which can be reused for performance benefits and tracked over time to trace changes in hidden context.

Published Research

Classifier Valuation

Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2021. European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML PKDD) 2021.

Paper Presentation Poster

Adaptation Error Repair

Journal of Machine Learning, 2021. International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2021.

Paper Presentation

Concept Fingerprinting

International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2021.

Paper Presentation

Concept Meta-Features

ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data


SELeCT (Best Paper Award)

IEEE 9th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA)

Paper Presentation

FALL (Best Demo Paper Award)

IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)

Paper Demo


Neural Network & Genetic Algorithm Workshop

I created and presented a beginner Workshop on training a NN to play pong and walk

Colab Presentation

Text Classification and Generation Workshop

I created and presented a beginner Workshop on generating and classifying text

Colab Slides


Created an onlite Visual Inference Teaching Tool for UoA Statistics department

Online Tool Other Versions

Animation Toolkit

A (very) basic animation framework for JS

NN XAI example NN training example

CryptoCurrency Portfolio Tracker

A live updating CryptoCurrency price tracker

Real Coins Simulated

WebGL Fireplace

A controllable Fireplace made with WebGL fragment shaders


Synthetic Streaming Data Generator

A simulator for synthetic air pollution streaming data

Other projects

Other fun & interesting side projects I have built
